We can only accept Government-funded referrals.
While we hope to be able to provide privately-funded supports soon, we are not currently able to. We have standing offer agreements with the following government bodies/programs which allow us to accept referrals.
Apply for funding through one of these programs:
Government of Alberta, Community and Social Services, Persons with Developmental Disabilities program. https://www.alberta.ca/persons-with-developmental-disabilities-pdd.aspx
Government of North West Territories, Health and Social Services, Out of Territory Placement Program. https://www.hss.gov.nt.ca/en/about-us
Government of Nunavut, Department of Child and Family Services https://www.gov.nu.ca/familyservices
As easy as 1, 2, 3.
If you are a Canadian citizen 18 years or older living in the Edmonton area, you can get the support you need by following these easy steps:
Find out if you qualify for support funding from Alberta’s Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) program by visiting Alberta Disability Services or calling 780-427-4354.
To confirm your disability, PDD may ask if you have been assessed by your school, a doctor, or a specialist. If you have not been assessed, PDD may arrange for a psychologist to do an assessment of your disability.
Fill out an application at myAlbertaSupports.ca. If you need help filling out the form, help is available through Disability Services or Alberta Supports.
Once your application is accepted, a PDD worker will assess your individual needs and work with you to create a plan to live as independently as possible. Let them know you want to receive supports from Independent Advocacy.
Once you are approved, your caseworker will contact IA for you.